Supernatural Strategies for Breakthrough: The offering of forgiveness

The offering of forgiveness


This week’s supernatural strategy of breakthrough is the offering of forgiveness. Yeah, I know, the offering of forgiveness can feel impossibly hard, but the truth of the matter, it’s actually one of the easiest things to do.  I struggle with this one—a lot—because though the actual forgiveness part is easy, the process leading up to it is not.


The offering of forgiveness is an important offering and it’s powerful in more ways than you know.  Forgiveness opens the way for love like nothing else I’ve ever seen, because it clears every channel making way for God’s goodness to flow.  Resentment and bitterness are manifestations of un-forgiveness and they block the flow of love.

Okay, I know, I’m pushing a sensitive spot, but stay with me because this really is an amazing strategy.  The offering of forgiveness is worth going after because this kind of baggage is weighty and ultimately unnecessary.  Seriously, you don’t have to carry the burden of un-forgiveness.  In fact, the Lord invites you to drop it now, because it’s toxic and it leaks.


I will straight up confess, I don’t have this mastered—no one does.  As I said, it’s easy to do, but only after you get over yourself—that’s the hard part.  Forgiveness is not about justice or even grace, it’s about purity.  The offering of forgiveness opens the door for refinement and alignment.  It strips off every weight that slows you down and clears away the sin that trips you up (Hebrews 12:1). So let’s talk about the offering of forgiveness and why it’s a great strategy for breakthrough.



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness is a choice

The offering of forgiveness is just that: an offering.  And just like every other offering you give you get to choose whether or not you’re going to give it. Forgiveness is always your choice.


Let’s be honest, shall we?  For something that is actually very easy to do, we make it hard.  That’s right, I said it, we—you and I—make it harder than it actually is.


The offering of forgiveness is about clearing the debt and you have complete freedom to do that anytime you like.   I’ve learned (the hard way) that you can’t even say you don’t know how, because God demonstrates forgiveness all the time.  In case you’ve forgotten that is the entire point of the Gospel Message.


Listen, I’m not trying to be hostile or accusatory in what I say, I’m trying to be direct, because we all have a tendency to make excuses that justify the choices we make.  There comes a time when you have to acknowledge that the choices you make—no matter how justified you are—may very well be contributing to the pain.


Yes, you have a right to feel angry.  Awful things happen.  You can certainly demand justice and expect righteousness, but can I tell you something?  There are some things that will never fully feel justified from a human perspective, because hurt cannot be undone, only healed.


So how do you walk on?  How do you live in the wake of bad?  You choose the offering of forgiveness, which gives God permission to do the restorative work. Your choice to say yes opens the way and leads you to higher ground.  God enables you to move above the pain and walk on, while he repairs and restores.



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness demonstrates trust


Okay, so while the actual offering of forgiveness is “easy,” getting there can be a little tricky.  Like I said, I’ve not mastered this, but I can more easily see that there is a reason God repeatedly tells us to forgive one another.


(Deep Sigh)


Before you can forgive, you need to trust.  The problem often comes when you look to trust the wrong person.  Listen, people will fail you and sometimes they’ll do it repeatedly.


The offering of forgiveness is not measured according to your ability to trust the person who has offended you, because the truth is you may never be able to trust that person again.  The good news is you don’t have to, just trust God.  I know, sometimes that feels hard.  Don’t miss-appropriate your feelings.  God is not responsible for your hurt, but if you trust him he will deliver healing.


God who created you and loves you will do everything to restore you.  It’s kinda what he’s all about.  He pursues you with relentless love and mercy, but there are some things that he waits for, and this is one of those things.  Trust him and see what wondrous things he will do.


The offering of forgiveness demonstrates radical trust in the LORD and he doesn’t take that lightly.  He knows what it costs you, which is what makes it so unbelievably beautiful to him.  So remember that.  You can trust God to do in you what human justice can’t touch.  Trust God and choose this offering, it will make things better, just differently than you imagined.



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness is obedience


“But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”  Matthew 6:15


Do you realize the offering of forgiveness is as act of obedience?  When you withhold forgiveness it is an act of rebellion.  Ouch.   That’s hard to swallow.


Can I be honest?  That’s a hard truth to embrace.  The offering of forgiveness is absolutely your choice.  God gives you the right to choose, but he is explicit in his instruction, because He knows best.  Forgiveness gives you access to a better way.


Can you see it yet?  It’s a choice, activated by trusting God, which results in obedience—the fruit of surrender.


The obedience of giving the offering of forgiveness powerfully changes the playing field.   Knowing you need to do it isn’t enough; you have to actually do it.  Here’s the thing, God tells us it the deal breaker, but then he demonstrates how to do it.  God never leaves you alone to figure it out.  He is present and ready to help, because that’s who he is.


“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.”  Psalm 46:1


This promise applies to the offering of forgiveness.  You are not able to do that on your own, no matter how hard you try.  God knows it and his word is his gift to you, not as a book of right and wrong, but as a promise and a light.  Forgiveness is your choice of obedience, but you need to understand that this choice leads to your freedom and wholeness.  The offering of forgiveness is primarily for your benefit not the offending person.



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness is an act of worship


What?  How is forgiveness tied to worship? Well, let me start by saying worship is not easy to summarize.  There are many aspects to it so you need to keep that in mind as we move through this next section.


When you hear the word “worship” what is the first thing that comes to mind?  Do you visualize a church community gathered for Sunday morning?  What activities do you see (singing, prayer, dancing, ministry…)?  Here’s the thing, worship is anything we do that expresses love to Him.  It has to come from a pure heart.


In the Ten Commandments, God breaks it down for his people.  The first four commandments tell us how to love God and the last six help us know how to love one another (Read Exodus 20).  And when asked by the religions leaders, Jesus said this:


“…You must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.”  Matthew 22:37-39


The offering of forgiveness is an expression of worship because it is a raw, honest, demonstration of both loving God and loving your neighbor—even if you don’t feel loving toward the offending person.


True worship is not about the deed, it’s about the heart.   The very core of worship begins in the place of trust and surrender.  The offering of forgiveness is birthed out of that, which is why it makes it such a beautiful act of worship.  It clears the way like nothing else, allowing deeper intimacy.


“For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:24



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness breaks chains


Worship opens the door to breakthrough.  There is freedom in the presence of God.  I’m sure you know that, but do you live with it?  There are truths and promises we hear all the time, but we don’t always translate them into daily living.


The offering of forgiveness is about loving God. When you love God enough to trust him and surrender your pain in this way, it creates breakthrough.  Forgiveness isn’t about saying everything is fine, because it may not be, but this offering clears the passage way.  This surrender is a complete laying down of it all and that my friend is more beautiful than you’ll ever know.


“Yet you are holy, enthroned on the praises of Israel.”  Psalm 22:3


I love this verse, because it tells me that God makes his dwelling place in the middle of my praise.  When God feels far away it’s time to worship, because the aroma of praise, of worship, of love, is irresistible to him.  The other really important thing to remember in this is that, where God is the enemy must flee.  The enemy can’t touch you unless you give him permission, and you do that by agreeing with him.


In the context of offering forgiveness, you create a sacred holy place of communion with God.  The very act of trusting him and laying it all down aligns your heart with the LORD in spirit and truth.  The enemy is expelled from that place.


In the presence of God chains of oppression are broken.  The offering of forgiveness establishes your heart, mind, soul and body, on the solid ground of Christ.  Agreement with truth—God’s truth—sets prisoners free.



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness ushers in healing


“Work at living in peace with everyone, and work at living a holy life, for those who are not holy will not see the LORD.  Look after each other so that none of you fails to receive the grace of God.  Watch out that no poisonous root of bitterness grows up to trouble you, corrupting many.”  Hebrews 12:14-15


Un-forgiveness is toxic.  You may feel completely justified in your anger, but if you continue to nurture un-forgiveness it will breed bitterness and resentment and it will make you sick.


The offering of forgiveness breaks the chains, but it also sets you free.  The supernatural nature of forgiveness removes you from the conditions of the prison.  Bitterness, anger, hate, and resentment, all feed the root of un-forgiveness, which will corrupt you—both spiritually and physically.


Sin causes death—that’s the curse.  We know that we have been saved by God’s grace, but life here in this world is still affected by the terms of that pronouncement.  You see this played out every day—the more sin abounds the more sorrow and death.


The offering of forgiveness cuts the sin roots out.  It is not pleasant to walk with the baggage of hate, anger, bitterness and resentment.  These are heavy and completely unnecessary.  You can walk on without the toxic load.  Choose the freedom of forgiveness and see what God does, because it ushers in healing.



offering of forgiveness



The offering of forgiveness establishes Peace


So here are my final thoughts on this…


The offering of forgiveness makes way for the Prince of Peace to reside.  You can reign or you can let Christ reign—your choice.  But know this, when Jesus leads it’s always better.


Following Jesus into the deep places is always great, until it gets hard.  Believe me, I know.   I have had to walk through some tough places—painful places I’d much rather have avoided.  But Jesus promises both provision and presence in all places and times.


“Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me.  Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies.  You honor me by anointing my head with oil.  My cup overflows with blessings.” Psalm 23:4-5



offering of forgiveness



Make room for Jesus.  He will lead you through forgiveness when it feels impossible.  Take comfort as you reflect on Psalm 23.  The offering of forgiveness will usher in a flood of grace and peace that is sweeter than anything you can imagine.  So go ahead and trust the LORD in this!  He is faithful and good.




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